Advent of Code 2022 part 2
[2022-12-02] Day 2: seeing funny squiggly characters in my dreams
#development #adventofcode #lisp #apl
[2022-12-02] Day 2: seeing funny squiggly characters in my dreams
#development #adventofcode #lisp #apl
Advent of Code 2022 part 1
[2022-12-01] Day 1: The yearly tradition continues
#development #adventofcode #lisp #apl
[2022-12-01] Day 1: The yearly tradition continues
#development #adventofcode #lisp #apl
Advent of Code 2020 (Days 1-9)
[2020-12-01] I need a good distraction to finish the year
#development #adventofcode #julia #lisp #racket
[2020-12-01] I need a good distraction to finish the year
#development #adventofcode #julia #lisp #racket