BBQ Pizza

There was a time when I was a pizza snob, proclaiming that Chicago-style deep-dish was the best and only pizza, but as I’ve aged I’ve learned that pizza is wonderful in all its forms. Yes, including BBQ pizza, even if it stretches the definition of what “pizza” is to include anything that’s sauce and toppings on dough.
I feel BBQ calls for a crispy thin crust, so we went with the wonderful and aptly-named The Easiest Pizza You’ll Ever Make recipe from King Arthur, which makes four 12" pizzas, or two half-sheet-pan rectangular pizzas. The dough freezes well if you don’t want to make it all at once (and homemade pizza really is best fresh).
Amounts below were for one half-sheet-pan-sized cookie sheet.
Sauce was about 3/4 cup of a pumpkin barbeque sauce we picked up from the local fall market last month.
- ~1/2 lb pulled pork (thawed from frozen)
- ~1/2 red onion, chopped
- 1 can chipotle peppers, diced
- pickled banana peppers
- 1/2 lb monterrey jack cheese
- Sprinkle of smoked paprika
The acidity of the banana peppers and the smokiness of the chipotle balanced wonderfully with the sweetness of the sauce. The store was out of green onions or we’d have included them too for some snap and a pop of color.
Baked at 450℉ for 20 minutes, until nicely browned.