POS Web App

This turnkey web app was developed for a company that manages holiday “Secret Santa” shops for elementary schools. The inital goal was to provide a mobile-capable application to replace the costly and troublesome manual cash registers. I proposed that for portability and consistency this could best be handled by a web appplication, which could also track transactions and provide statistics and other services for the company and the schools.
After the first season in use the customer was extremely satisfied with the app, and the schools that used it (they were given the option) found it intuitive and a vast improvement over their past experience with manual cash registers.
POS/Checkout App
The POS/checkout app (pictured) is powered by CoffeeScript with JQuery, using Bootstrap for styling and UI elements. Features include:
- Intuitive interface that is tailored for each school.
- Running item tallies and subtotal.
- Change calculation on checkout.
- Unique transaction ID provided on checkout. This can be used to look up the transaction details/receipt from the management app.
Management App
The backend/management app was developed in Ruby on Rails and is hosted on Heroku. Features include:
- School interface for managing transactions, viewing sales statistics, placing restock orders, and closing out sales.
- Admin interface for managing schools, prices, viewing overall and school-specific sales statistics, viewing and fulfilling restock orders, and managing deliveries.